Bill Schmarzos Key Note Presentation at the Data Works 2017 Conference


Hello and welcome to this post about Bill Schmarzos key note presentation at the Data Works 2017 conference.

For those of you who don’t know. Bill and I worked with the Metaphor product at the same time in the early 90s. Bill was an employee at Metaphor and I was an employee of IBM who bought Metaphor Computer Systems and then did not do well with it in very difficult times for IBM.

I did not meet Bill at Metaphor but we exchanged a few emails way back in the day and everyone at Metaphor spoke highly of him. Bill went on to Sequent in 1996 and we met up again there as I moved to Hitachi and we were selling Sequent boxes at Hitachi. Another Metaphor colleague was at Hitachi from those days and his name was Vince Sumpter.

Bill also went on to DecisionPoint which was very successful in its day.

Bill has always had a great reputation as a great speaker so when it popped up on my feed that he had spoken at Data Works I wanted to go over and check it out.

He is never disappointing!

In this presentation Bill goes through the 5 key questions to ask business managers.

I wrote to Bill and said thank heavens someone in his position is talking about “make me more money” again as the reason for doing BI or Big Data!

That is what we were talking about 25 years ago at Metaphor and some how IT hijacked the conversation and we have had pretty much 20 years of vendor hype-cycles rather than a focus on “make me more money”.

These are the 5 key questions Bill asks in this presentation.

But do yourself a favour and click on the video below and watch Bill in action for yourself! ok?

5 key questions to ask the business people about Business Intelligence

1. How effective is your organisation at leveraging data and analytics to power your business model?

2. Do you understand your organisations key Business Initiatives and how they will benefit from big data?

3. Do you have business stakeholder active participation in setting your use case roadmap?

4. Do you understand the economic value of your data and how that affects your technology and business investments?

5. Do you understand how data science disrupts business models and disintermediats customer relationshps?

6. Do you know how to create a platform, an environment, that allows you to exploit the economic value of your data?

As ever, Bill over delivers and actually gives SIX questions!

Thanks for reading!


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Peter Nolan
Peter Nolan is one of the worlds leading thought leaders in Business Intelligence. Across his 29+ years in BI Peter has consistently invented new and innovative ways of designing and building data warehouses. SeETL now stands alone as the worlds most cost effective data warehouse development tool.